Let’s Build A Custom Orphan Care Strategy For Your Church: A Practical Guide to a Prayerful Strategy


Let’s Build A Custom Orphan Care Strategy for Your Church is an interactive workbook that gives clear guidance to each church about how to build an effective custom orphan care strategy under the church’s vision. With step by step instructions, this workbook can be used by church leaders and lay people alike to create a unified church orphan care strategy that will be both practical and intentional. For over ten years, Patch Our Planet has been working with churches throughout the US and overseas to help churches navigate the complex world of foster care, adoption and global orphan care. That pent up care potential in every church is only unleashed when there is a clear strategy that everyone can unite behind. This practical guide and prayerful strategy allows church leaders to move forward with great confidence knowing that their church has a customized orphan care strategy based on the strengths of its own people.