Dear Pastor & Church Leaders,
I know that orphan care is difficult.
I know that foster care is extremely intimidating.
I know that you are only human and have limitations.
I know that your schedule is straining and challenging because you are running point for the rest of us in this spiritual battle.
I know that you try hard to only please God with your leadership, but deep down inside your heart it is still important how you are perceived by others.
I know that your biggest challenges most often come from inside the church walls.
And I know that you never want to be seen as a hypocrite.
I know these things because I have been a minister for 12 years and have walked that same road.
And now I want to help you.
Because orphan care is complex and because your schedule offers so many diverse challenges, we have developed an orphan care framework that you and your leadership team can follow. The best part is that you can take our orphan care curriculum and bend it to work under your vision. You can even delegate to one of your trusted lay people (just make sure you can support and encourage them).
I realized several years ago that I would likely not do anything significant in this orphan crisis because it felt too big, too distant, and too foreign to my world of ministry. How could I lead something that I was so ignorant about? Then the Lord called me to step out and help you (and me).
You see, we all have a part to play.
Not everyone will adopt. Not everyone will foster. Some may never set foot inside of an orphanage or group home. But everyone can do something. We can all press forward without feeling any guilt. Someone has to advocate. Someone has to proclaim what the Bible says about orphan care and about being our brother’s keeper. There is a place for all of us around this ministry opportunity. And that’s how we designed our orphan care curriculum.
Orphan care does not have to be the banner ministry at your church.
But would it be to much to ask that orphan care be a strategic part of the DNA or vision of your church? Can we show you how to lead your passionate advocates by equipping your team with a step-by-step strategy?
We can all agree on James 1:27. Our hearts skip a beat each time we read the words “pure religion”. After all, that is the desire of every believer, isn’t it?
Patch Our Planet wants to bless you and see your church soar as you wade out into new territory and experience the blessing of caring for the most vulnerable among us. We want to serve you by equipping you to lead. We want you to see the fruit of what it means to strategically take care of orphans and vulnerable children.
That’s why we wanted you to know about the resources we are now offering.
1. Digital resources – Local Foster Care Curriculum (60 pages) and Global Orphan Care Curriculum (70 pages).
2. On-site Coaching – Bring us in for a one day training followed by a 3 or 6 month relationship to make sure your ministry gets off to a great start!
3. Tailor services to fit your needs. We equip church leaders to lead.
My plea to you is to simply ask if you would take the first step.
Churches all over the US and around the world are empowering their local congregations to bless children in foster care and orphans globally. Will you join with us as we work toward a world where every orphan has the opportunity to hear the gospel and be a part of a forever family?
We appreciate your calling. We are grateful to you for your faithfulness. May the rest of us pray for and encourage you in the pursuit of God’s perfect will for your local congregation and your community’s most vulnerable.
Friend to you,
Steve Gillis Founder | Exec. Director www.patchourplanet.org HOPE TO SEE YOU AT www.CAFO2014.org !