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The End.
This little phrase causes so much emotion.
Each night, it creates stress at my house because it means “time to go to bed” for my little ones.
In the movie theater, this phrase allows us to take a deep breath after an emotional or action-packed ride.
However the phrase is used, it carries with it a sense of finality. It’s over.
That’s my goal. I have no desire to just “work” on the orphan crisis.
I want to END the orphan crisis.
Naturally, you would ask, how do you do that? Governments, organizations and others have been trying for years to make progress. Why are you so different?
Well, I’m not that different. I just believe that there is only one organization on the planet that must be at the foundation of every orphan work. It’s paramount to equip that organization.
I’m sure, by now, you’ve guessed that the organization I am talking about is the church.
You’re right.
Rick & Kay Warren of Saddleback Church make some great observations about the church:
1. The Church has the largest participation
2. The Church has the widest distribution
3. The Church has the longest track record
4. The Church has the fastest expansion
5. The Church has the highest motivation
6. The Church has the strongest authorization
7. The Church has the simplest administration
So, how do we get to the place where one day we can declare “THE END” to the orphan crisis?
Key – Every church in every community has to be caring for every orphan in some way.
Who is doing that now? More than you think.
Here is a very short list of what is happening to encourage you in your community.
Russia/Ukraine Without Orphans – An organization working to provide families for every orphan in both countries by the year 2015. They are working through the local church and families are adopting at an amazing rate. http://orphancareresources.org/resource/rwo-launch | http://en.ukrainabezsyrit.org/shablon-english/article/100541 Even the President of Ukraine has encouraged policies to help get orphans into families. http://en.ukrainabezsyrit.org/news Think you don’t have the resources? Be encouraged by Russia and Ukraine.
Rwanda – They lost one million people in one hundred days during the genocide back in the mid 90’s. Tragic. They had half a million orphans as a result. The government, churches and organizations in that country decided to come together to care for the future generation that had already endured so much. As of May of this year (2012), Rwanda had about 3,500 remaining orphans. They want to be known as the first country without orphans. http://www.gov.rw/Every-child-raised-in-a-family,494 Think the task is too large? Be encouraged by Rwanda.
First Baptist Woodstock – This is my home church in Georgia. Several years ago, my pastor cast a vision to care for all the foster children in our county. We now have a system in place to make that vision a reality. And, we have already seen over 10 families adopt from the foster system in the past couple of years. http://www.fbcw.org/foster-care/. This is what it takes, every church taking care of the foster children in their own community.
The Chapel in Buffalo, NY – This is one of our church partners. What is happening here is so exciting. We launched the “Every Child” ministry on Father’s Day(2012). Since that time, The Chapel has trained hundreds and are currently placing 20-30 children in families. That’s only the beginning. We have formed a Western NY network of churches that crosses denominational lines in order to care for the children in Erie and Niagara county. http://every-child.com/ We are excited to open the Global Orphan strategy at the beginning of the next year. http://thechapel.com/ It’s amazing what you can accomplish when you don’t care who gets the credit.
So, how do we END the orphan crisis?
We do it through the church.
If every church in every community would care for every orphan, starting in their own community first, we win. Orphans win.
The End.
Imagine the headlines in 2015:
“Ukraine announces that every orphan has a home”.
“Russia makes bold announcement that there are no more orphans in the country.”
“Rwanda becomes the first country in existence without orphans.”
“The United States is currently caring for every foster child in our country and there is a waiting list of families ready to adopt.”
Why not?
Please take time to share this article and spread some HOPE.
Steve Gillis
Founder | Exec. Director
Another great article about ending the orphan crisis: