We are beginning a two part series on how businesses can practically take up the cause of the fatherless.
The great tips below come from Greg Buzek at Retail Orphan Initiative – http://www.retailroi.org/
Fortunately, there is a movement of generosity happening in the corporate world. Not only is there a benefit for the supported charities, but there is a great win awaiting the generous business.
Here are some great tips from Greg:
1. Donate to the charity of your choice.
2. Advertise/sponsor a project.
– What projects do your favorite charities have? How do you get your logo on there?
3. Pay for employees to go on a mission trip for orphans. (tax deduction)
4. Join together for good: Create an industry event/fundraiser to meet a specific need.
5. Get your customers involved. (donations, a % of sales)
6. Combine your customers, partners and your vision.
7. Donate your skillset, or employee’s skill set to a favorite charity.
8. Leverage your social media reach.
9. Pay the overhead in a separate foundation and/or create your own foundation.
10. Hire someone in your business to help with your favorite charity.
11. Offer Adoption/Foster Care Assistance benefits for employees (see www.davethomasfoundation.org)
12. Donate unused equipment and overstocked merchandise to help charities.
13. Become a donation drop off point for clothing, food, and other items to help the fatherless.
14. Sponsor training classes for life skills for at risk children/foster kids in your area of influence.
15. Hire foster kids to give them real life skills and training.
16. Start a mentoring program.
Greg mentions that “many business owners become financially successful but worry whether they have really accomplished something of significance”. The ideas in Part I of our series are a great jumpstart to doing something significant with your business and leveraging your influence on behalf of those without any.
Your business CAN change the world,
Steve Gillis
Founder | Patch Our Planet