12 – Every denomination agrees that orphans should be taken care of.

11– The church has been silent for too long.

10– Church leaders need guidance and simple solutions to lead their churches with confidence.

9–  I feel compelled to speak up for children in adversity who have no voice.

8–  Every child deserves a family.

7–  I’ve experienced the suffering of a child first hand in my own family.

6–  I believe the church is the best solution to the orphan crisis.

5–  Because I’ve failed in the past and missed many opportunities to lead out to make a difference.

4–  There are countless faces of orphans that I’ve met in the past and done nothing for.

3–  Bad people wait patiently to take advantage of orphans.  They need someone to defend them.

2–  It’s part of what the Bible calls, “pure religion”.  I must travel that path.

1–  God called me to do it.  The love He displayed for me compels me to go.


What are the reasons you are involved or why would you get involved?


Steve Gillis

Founder | Exec. Director
